Solid angles are mathematical quantity that shows up fairly commonly in light transport, for example in the typical formulation of The rendering equation. They are a measure of how much field of view is covered by an object from the point of view of a static observer.
Solid angles are typically measured in a unit called steradians. One steradian is equal to one unit of area on a unit sphere (sphere with radius=1). Thus, an object that fully covers the observers view from all direction would be represented with a solid angle of
The formula for calculating solid angles is:
Note: This isn't very important, but interesting nonetheless: Since both the numerator and denominator in the formula for solid angle have the same unit, length squared, solid angles are what you call a "dimensionless" unit, and steradians are a dimensionless quantity. Concretely, the definition steradian,
cancels out simplifies to .
Solid angles are typically illustrated as a cone section of a sphere:
However, it is important to note that solid angles have no inherent "shape", as they are only a measure of a portion of a sphere, which is inherently an amorphous quantity.
As mentioned in the notes on Spherical integrals, the relationship between differential solid angle and differential spherical coordinates is:
Which is useful for converting between spherical integrals of solid angle and spherical coordinate domain. Differential solid angles can be visualized as the section of a unit sphere subtended by a surface patch of the unit sphere with infinitesimal area:
This quantity is typically associated with rays of lights. For example, if we integrate over a sphere, written
We can imagine dividing the sphere into infinitely many infinitesimal surface patches, each associated with a ray. Therefore, when reading integrals in solid angle domain, such as the one above, it can be helpful to think of the variable being integrated over (
It should come as no surprise that numerical computation of spherical integrals like the one above are often done by shooting a bunch of rays in random directions from an observers point of view, and "averaging" their contribution using Monte carlo methods.
See Spherical integrals for more info on integrating over the sphere and hemisphere.